Vision test

Early Detection of Visual Disorders

Scanner for Amblyopia (Plusoptix®)

In cases of unilateral visual impairment (amblyopia), children with vision reduction usually behave completely normally. For parents, only certain visual disorders (such as large-angle strabismus or dense lens opacities) are noticeable. Anisometropia, which refers to a significant difference in refractive error between the two eyes, may also go unnoticed. One in five children suffers from visual disorders.
With the Plusoptix Vision Screener®, visual impairments are detected early. If not treated during the early years of life, there is a possibility that vision could be permanently impaired. This visual disorder can then no longer be compensated with glasses or other visual aids.

Many, but not all, health insurance companies now cover the screening process.

We will inform you if you need to pay for the vision test as a private service (IGEL).
In the first year of life, it is advisable to regularly check the visual ability and development of vision. We recommend screening during the U5 to U7 check-ups. The tests are conducted on the parents’ lap and only take a few seconds.

IGEL Services

  • Vision test with an amblyopia screening device
  • Certificates for kindergarten or school
  • Sports certificates
  • Blood draw at your request
  • Travel counseling and vaccinations
  • CRP test
  • Simultaneous SARS-CoV-2 and RSV test
  • Simultaneous SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A and B test

Now book an online appointment through DOCTOLIB.

It’s best to book online with DOCTOLIB so that we can ensure short waiting times. A modern patient management system can make this possible. Alternatively, you can reach us at the phone number 2165055.